Press Release Body = Reduce Expenses by Replacing your Time Clock with PayPunch
For Immediate Release
Contact: Andrei Kossyrine, 1-888-777-0388 x1,
Xpress Software Inc. has released a new version of PayPunch, a Windows-based time and attendance data collection system that replaces the typical time clock used to monitor employees. Instead of employees punching a time card, they simply insert their hand into the reader and enter their employee number. PayPunch verifies their identify and logs their attendance. And payroll-related expenses drop significantly.
PayPunch captures, analyzes, and reports all time and attendance information to your payroll system. Shift supervisors no longer need to monitor time clock activity at punch-in/out times. The program also eliminates countless hours of error-prone payroll calculations. By eliminating time cards, PayPunch also eliminates the abuses associated with time card systems, including buddy-punching, early punch-ins, and unauthorized overtime.
Employee safety is enhanced because managers always have current information about employees\' whereabouts. In the event of a fire or other emergency, it\'s easy to identify which employees are in which facility. Even under non-critical conditions, PayPunch can be programmed to open access doors or perform other mechanical operations.
PayPunch\'s hardware component is a biometric device that uses 96 discreet images of the hand, and creates a sophisticated algorithm to generate and store a unique numerical template. Each time an employee scans his or her hand, a new number is generated and compared to the one on file. The device accurately identifies the employee and records their in/out transaction in the payroll database, all in about one second. The system uses no x-rays or other harmful radiation. Because it does not capture or store any information about employees that can be used for anything other than its intended purpose, PayPunch is non-intrusive and legal.
The software system can provide a data feed to your existing payroll software, or you can use PayPunch to process daily and weekly statistics and reports. The system can process data from multiple devices at multiple locations. It provides shifts schedule support, allows for manual adjustments by authorized personnel, tracks vacations and paid holidays, provides multi-level password protection, and has flexible rules for everything from rounding to grace periods. It can even send you email notification to alert you to late arrivals and absentees.
PayPunch runs under Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003. The hand-reading biometric device includes a built-in bar code reader to accommodate companies that use badges.
The PayPunch time and attendance system includes PayPunch software, biometric hand reader devices, and user manuals. Installation support, configuration, and customization are available, along with a variety of stands and cupboard units.
For more information, contact Xpress Software Inc. 64 Jardin Drive, Unit 3G, Vaughan, ON, L4K 3P3, Canada. Phone: 1-888-777-0388 Email: Internet:
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About Xpress Software Inc.:
Xpress Software Inc. provides enterprise and supply chain software for security, time and labour tracking.In addition to PayPunch, the Toronto-based company also offers its Enterprise Resources Planning software, a comprehensive system that processes accounting and finance, advanced manufacturing, scheduling, bill of material (BOM) database, product design, drawings, inventory, shipping and distribution, sales, employee management, information analysis, and web access to the entire supply chain.